Tombstone: Azariah J. Boatwright-Mary Emily Clark
Name: Azariah J. Boatwright | Spouse: Mary Emily Clark |
Born: 27 May 1841 Died: 22 May 1903 |
Born: 30 Jan 1846 Died: 8 Jul 1934 |
Burial location: Boatwright Cemetery, Lexington Co., SC | Burial location: Boatwright Cemetery, Lexington Co., SC |
Inscription: BOATWRIGHT (Masonic symbol) Azriah J. May 27, 1841 May 22, 1903 M. Emily Clark Jan. 30, 1846 July 8, 1934 Sweet indeed is the rest which Christ giveth. |
The Boatwright Cemetery is next door to the former home (still standing in 1995) of Azariah J. Boatwright and wife Emily Clark, on Two-Notch Road, south of Batesburg, South Carolina abt 1.4 mi E of US-Hwy178/ Fairview Rd. The home was built by Azariah when he returned from the Civil War, to replace their original log cabin. Resources for Azariah J. Boatwright Resources for Mary Emily Clark |
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